


Fonderia Morini's achievements are not limited to the casting sphere. Among the company’s many satisfactions, in fact, there are the results obtained from their hometown’s football team, of which Fonderia Morini is the main sponsor: A.S.D. Calcio Cotignola.

In order to show its support to the community of Cotignola (Italy), Fonderia Morini is committed to several activities locally. An example thereof is the Società Ciclistica Cotignolese, an amateur cycling association, of which the company is the main sponsor.

Companies’ contribution can make a difference to the social and economic wellness of the communities around them.

This is not just a cliché or an abstract concept: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a value more relevant than ever for modern companies, because it also affects their image and reputation. The European Union defines it as the capacity to meet the needs and expectations of the customer and other stakeholders, such as staff and the local community.

In 1973 the Chill Casting division of Fonderia Morini srl was founded. The division is specialized in the production of aluminium alloy castings through the technology of chill casting. Since then, the division has been enriched with innovative equipments, such as new furnaces, and state-of-the art technologies thanks to automation, bringing the level of competitiveness and quality in production to an international standard.

In July 2021, Fonderia Morini passed an audit by ALSTOM, a leader in the Italian railway industry and one of the major players in the same sector worldwide.
